Todos los públicos a partir de 7 años – Espectáculo sin palabras

“Mr. Bo” is Marie de Jongh’s new theater play, in which we combine masks and clown style. This play is aimed at the whole family, it is narrated without words along the same lines as our previous shows, Amour or Izar, but with a difference: Mr. Bo is aimed at children aged 4 onwards. Mr. Bo and his three servants let the miseries of despotic power come to the surface. Always with humor. Because this is the key and the challenge of this project, its comedy will be the root, trunk, branch and flowerof the show to then bear a fruit we can all enjoy.

We approach the depth of the subject from the most clownish simplicity. The word Naif, in its original meaning, seems to us very pertinent to describe the project we present: an artistic work that is characterized by reflecting reality with deliberate ingenuity, apparently childish, and with poetry and simplicity.

The three servants are used to complying with everything Mr. Bo says. They have been under him since he was a child. Sometimes they imagine what the world would be like if they were Mr. Bo, what it would be like to have power and not to depend on anyone else. They take it in turns to pretend to be the boss and his servants. When Mr. Bo was a child, the servants had the opportunity to say “No!” But they didn’t, so Bo has been ruling the roost for years. Their relationship is very subservient, very dependent, but suddenly, a new opportunity arises to say No!”.


Próximas representaciones

Sin eventos

Artistic staff

Author and Director: Jokin Oregi

Performes: Ana Martinez, Ana Meabe, Javier Renobales, Anduriña Zurutuza.

Lightning designer: Edu Berja

Music creator: Adrián García de los Ojos

Plastic conception: Javi Tirado

Scenography and costumes: Ikerne Giménez (assistant: Inma Gómez)

Director assistant: Javi Tirado

Technicians on tour: Unai Barrio, Edu Berja


Graphic designer: Ane Pikaza

Photographer: Asier Corera

Executive producer: Pío Ortiz de Pinedo

Producer: Marie de Jongh

Communication manager: Irene Zarrabeitia


International sales management:
Irene Zarrabeitia | (+34) 638 307 253 |